Thursday, October 1, 2009

Some births from Summer '09

This summer, Jeanne attended many births. Here are some from her old blog...

Brittany and Mark
Lorenzo Born @ Home 08/16/2009 8lbs 5oz

Martha and Mike
Olive born @ home 08/15/2009 5lbs 12oz

Brooke and Thor
Delaney born c-section @ hospital 08/24/2009 11lbs 0.6oz

Tamara and Nick
Everett Born @ Home 08/03/2009 6lb 15oz

Kate and Ryan
Quinn Born @ home 07/28/2009 7lb 6.5oz

Renee and Josh
Tylee born @ home 06/27/2009 7lb 10oz

Lara and Dustin
Milla born @ home 06/15/2009 7lb7oz

Stephanie and Ryan
Otis Born @ home 06/26/2009 8lbs 11oz

Cerisse and Jonathan
Zora Born Naturally @ hospital 06/13/2009

Aspen Born Naturally @ hospital 06/13/2009