On 10/25/2011 at 8:37am Marie and Mario welcomed their first baby boy Andres Antonio into their arms. Mom did beautifully. The birth center wants to offer their congratulations to the new mom and dad.
On October 24, 2011at 2:41am Tara and Robert welcomed their first baby girl, Rebekah Rose into their loving arms. Rebekah joins her two older brothers, Robert, age 4 1/2 and Isaac,age 2 1/2. Congratulations from the Birth Center.
On September 29, 2011 at 4:39 am, Chris and Robert welcomed baby boy Fredrick into their loving hands. The Birth Center wishes to congratulate the whole family.
On October 4, 2011at 4:58 pm Melissa and Aaron welcomed the arrival of baby boy Ezra. He weighed in at 8# 4 ounces. The Birth Center wishes to extend our congratulations.
On February 11, 2011 at 3:29 Bobby and Sukhbir brought into the world their first daughter weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces. We've already said our congratulations many time but just recently received a photo.
On October 16, 2011 baby girl Elsie arrived into the loving arms of Emily and Solon. Elsie joins big sister, Aida who just loves her sister. Congratulations to the family from The Birth Center. Proud father is pictured here. Also big sister Aida loving her new sister Elsie.
On Ocober 5, 2011, Brooke and Gunnar welcomed their baby girl, Grace. She weighed in at 5#12 ounces. The Birth Center wishes to congratulate the new family. Way to go Brooke!
On October 8th, 2011, Rose and Bill welcomed their second boy, Jed into their family. Rose actually reached down to catch her own baby with little help from us. Her other children were present for the birth as well; Izzy who is 15 years old and Joe who is 4 years old. Rose has been working in our office as one of the nurses. We are excited to meet this little guy. Congratulations to the family from The Birth Center. (picture to follow)
On October 7, 2011, baby boy Silas arrived into the loving hands of Beth and Taylor. Silas weighed in at 8 pounds 14 ounces. His 3 year old brother, Miles, was happy to see that he'd "popped out". His other brother, Jasper, couldn't stop laughing with joy! The Birth Center wishes to congratulate the family.
(Late entry) Samantha and Keith came back to the Birth Center at 8 weeks to show us their beautiful daughter, Giana who weighed 8# 3 ounces. She was born on 8/1/2011. Samantha was planning a hospital birth and delivered successfully. The Birth Center wishes to congratulate the family.
Melissa and Aaron welcomed their gorgeous baby boy Ezra into their arms this evening at 4:58 pm. He joins brother Grant and Sister Ellieanna at home. Everyone is happy and healthy! Congratulations from the Birth Center!